U.S Air Force Assessments

Prepare for the AFOQT test with tailor-made practice materials.

What is the AFOQT test?

The Air Force Officers Qualification Test (AFOQT) is an entry examination for the United States Air Force, designed to measure the essential skills, aptitudes and knowledge required of a serving officer.

A timed, multiple-choice assessment, the AFOQT is split into several subtests covering areas such as technical competence, language comprehension, mathematical skills and spatial awareness.

Anyone wishing to join the United States Air Force as an officer must sit this exam and will typically do so in their sophomore year of university through a Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program.

In passing the AFOQT, you prove you have what it takes to succeed in this high-stakes, high-responsibility profession.

How is the AFOQT formatted?

The AFOQT is split into 12 subtests in total, each with a set number of questions and a time limit for completion.

SubjectNumber of questionsTime limit
Self-description Inventory22040 minutes
Verbal Analogies258 minutes
Arithmetic Reasoning2529 minutes
Word Knowledge255 minutes
Math Knowledge2522 minutes
Reading Comprehension2538 minutes
Situational Judgement5035 minutes
Physical Science2010 minutes
Aviation Information208 minutes
Instrument Comprehension206 minutes
Table Reading407 minutes
Block Counting204.5 minutes

These subtests and the skills they measure are outlined below.

AFOQT: Self-description Inventory

Questions: 220

Time limit: 40 minutes

The self-description inventory subtest is a measure of your personality. Things like your working styles, social preferences, attitudes and values will be assessed as you rank a series of statements from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

There are no 'correct' answers in this subtest, nor is it scored. Rather, it is designed to determine how well suited your personality is for the profession, and how much satisfaction you would find in a serving officer role.

AFOQT: Verbal Analogies

Questions: 25

Time limit: 8 minutes

This subtest focuses on language skills, more specifically, your knowledge of word function and how different groups of words relate to each other.

In each question, you'll be given an incomplete analogy, for example, "herd is to cow as flock is to…" You'll need to pick one word from multiple options that completes the analogy with the same word relationship.

You'll need to pay close attention to context and look out for any words that may have double meanings.

AFOQT: Arithmetic Reasoning

Questions: 25

Time limit: 29 minutes

As the name suggests, this subtest is all about general arithmetic. Here you'll need to apply knowledge of things like percentages, fractions and ratios, perform cost calculations, and solve equations relating to volume, distance and speed.

Questions are typically presented as word problems with five possible answers for each.

AFOQT: Word Knowledge

Questions: 25

Time limit: 5 minutes

This quickfire subtest looks at your vocabulary and your knowledge of word definitions. For each of the 25 questions, you'll be given a keyword and must choose one of several additional words that most closely matches its meaning.

Some of the questions posed will be relatively straightforward, whilst others will contain word sets of a more complex nature.

AFOQT: Math Knowledge

Questions: 25

Time limit: 22 minutes

Whilst the arithmetic reasoning subtest focuses on general arithmetic used in a real-world context, the math knowledge subtest delves into geometry and algebra.

Questions presented here typically involve mathematical equations using percentages, factors and fractions, though you will also encounter some word problems.

AFOQT: Reading Comprehension

Questions: 25

Time limit: 38 minutes

This subtest is the AFOQT equivalent of a verbal reasoning test, assessing your ability to interpret and draw conclusions from written information that is new to you.

You'll be presented with a passage of text that will be quite complex in nature, which you'll need to read carefully before answering a series of multiple-choice questions relating to it.

These questions will ask you to identify assumptions, inferences and facts from a given passage, as well as pinpoint key themes and takeaways.

AFOQT: Situational Judgement

Questions: 50

Time limit: 35 minutes

A situational judgement test assesses your response to a range of relevant hypothetical scenarios - in the case of the AFOQT, scenarios you'd likely encounter as a serving officer in the United States Air Force.

For each situation given, you'll also be given five potential courses of action. You must choose which of these you see as being most effective and which as least.

AFOQT: Physical Science

Questions: 20

Time limit: 10 minutes

In the AFOQT physical science subtest, you'll be challenged on your knowledge of scientific concepts and their application, primarily across the disciplines of physics and chemistry.

Questions are given as incomplete statements which you must complete by choosing the correct response from multiple choice options.

To achieve a high score in this section you'll need a strong grasp of physics as well as foundational knowledge of chemistry, biology and scientific terminology.

AFOQT: Aviation Information

Questions: 20

Time limit: 8 minutes

Many sections of the AFOQT do not require any pre-existing knowledge. This is not the case however for the aviation information subtest, which looks at your technical understanding.

Questions follow a similar format as those in other sections, with an incomplete statement you must finish by choosing one of four options.

Topics you can expect to be covered in this subtest include aeroplane mechanics and instrumentation, runway standards, flight physics and flight control surfaces.

AFOQT: Instrument Comprehension

Questions: 20

Time limit: 6 minutes

This subtest is a little different. Instead of word-based problems, it uses visuals to assess your ability to determine flight paths and positions through accurate instrument readings.

For each question, you'll see two dials, one representing a compass and one representing an artificial horizon. You'll also see four images of a plane in different flight positions.

You'll need to take readings from the dials for direction, climb or dive and banking to determine which image accurately represents the plane's flight position.

AFOQT: Table Reading

Questions: 40

Time limit: 7 minutes

This subtest measures your ability to draw accurate data from tables, and to do so at speed. Each table shown appears as a grid, with X values in columns and Y values in rows.

Each question gives you X and Y values, which you'll use to locate the correct block in the table and note the number that appears within it.

It's a simple exercise in theory, but the strict time limit and high number of questions make the table reading section a challenging test of focus, speed and accuracy.

AFOQT: Block Counting

Questions: 20

Time limit: 4.5 minutes

The shortest of the AFOQT subtests, this section is a measure of spatial reasoning, that is, your ability to mentally manipulate 2D and 3D visuals.

All 20 questions follow the same format. You'll see a 3D image of a pile of blocks, some of which will be numbered. You'll then be asked to locate one of these numbered blocks and determine how many of the surrounding blocks are touching it.

Again, the time limit in which you'll need to complete as many questions as possible makes this subtest particularly tricky.

All in all, you can expect to spend around five hours sitting the AFOQT, with time in each subtest for instructions and one short break included.

Top Tips To Pass The AFOQT

1. Practice aptitude tests

The AFOQT is basically a series of short aptitude tests combined into one comprehensive skills assessment. The nature of aptitude tests means they do not require any specific knowledge, but rather measure your natural abilities.

This does not mean however that you cannot prepare for them. You can, and should, take plenty of practice aptitude tests in preparation for your AFOQT. In doing so, you'll familiarise yourself with their format, learn to work under the pressure of a time constraint, and improve your abilities in key areas like verbal, numerical and spatial reasoning.

2. Be well-rested

Five hours is a long time to work under test conditions, particularly with the AFOQT, where each subtest requires high levels of concentration and attention to detail.

To perform well you need to be alert, focused and in a positive state of mind, so get plenty of quality rest in the run-up to your assessment day. Partake in anything that lowers your stress levels, like sport or mindfulness activities, eat well and keep hydrated.

3. Don't panic

This may be easier said than done but with the AFOQT it's important not to panic. The time limits of each subtest are in place to test how well you perform under pressure, so do your best to stay calm.

If you do get stuck on a particular question - and feel panic creeping in as a result - take a deep breath, make your best guess and move on. You will not be marked down for an incorrect answer so it's always worth having a go.

4. Read the instructions

With 12 subtests to work through in succession bar one short break, you'll be switching your focus from one task to the next at speed. To ensure you know exactly what each task involves be sure to read the instructions carefully at the start of each subtest.

Sample U.S Air Force Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

If a radar operator reports detecting 15 enemy planes heading towards a no-fly zone and the reliability of the radar unit for detecting aircraft is known to be 80%, what is the probability that at least one plane is actually in the area?

  • 12%
  • 100%
  • 80%
  • More than 99%

In assessing the cause of a strategic miscalculation during a training operation, which of the following factors is most critical to evaluate first?

  • The clarity of the instructions provided to the team.
  • The time of day when the operation was conducted.
  • The personal relationships between team members.
  • The weather conditions during the operation.

What can be inferred from a commander's decision to postpone an aerial exercise due to forecasted severe weather?

  • The commander values adherence to schedules over safety.
  • Ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment is a top priority.
  • The commander has insufficient confidence in the pilots' abilities.
  • The weather prediction capabilities are unreliable.

During a surveillance mission, if plane 'Alpha' flies at an average speed of 500mph for 3 hours while plane 'Bravo' travels at an average speed of 450mph for 4 hours, how much farther has plane 'Bravo' traveled than plane 'Alpha'?

  • Plane 'Bravo' has not traveled farther.
  • 200 miles farther.
  • 100 miles farther.
  • 300 miles farther.

An aircraft has to drop supplies to a forward operating base. If the aircraft drops the supplies while traveling at 400mph at an altitude of 2000 feet, how long will it take for the supplies to reach the ground? Ignore air resistance.

  • Approximately 20 seconds.
  • Approximately 10 seconds.
  • Approximately 15 seconds.
  • Approximately 5 seconds.

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Preparation is the key and the comprehensive aptitude, employer and publisher packages on offer at Military Aptitude Tests was exactly what I was looking for.

James sharpened his aptitude skills using Military Aptitude Tests.


U.S Air Force Assessments Tips

Understand the Format

Familiarize yourself with the structure and types of questions in the AFOQT to avoid surprises on test day.

Brush Up on Basics

Review fundamental concepts in math, verbal, and science topics to ensure a well-rounded knowledge base.

Time Management

Practice pacing since the exam's timed nature requires you to work swiftly and efficiently.

Practice Makes Perfect

Our site, Military Aptitude Tests, offers free practice tests that simulate the real AFOQT to help hone your test-taking skills.

Level up

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  • 12 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 65 Employer packages
  • 16 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
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U.S Air Force Assessments FAQs

What are the US Air Force tests?

The US Air Force tests are a set of standardized examinations required for those seeking to join as officers. The tests cover a range of subjects to assess critical skills and aptitudes necessary for the role.

Are the US Air Force tests hard?

Like any competitive exam, the US Air Force tests can be challenging. They're designed to evaluate a wide array of abilities, including the candidate's verbal, quantitative, and situational judgement.

How do I prepare for US Air Force tests?

To prepare for the US Air Force tests, it’s crucial to practice regularly. Military Aptitude Tests offers an array of practice exams that closely mirror what you’ll encounter, giving you the best preparation possible.

How long does the recruitment process take at US Air Force?

The recruitment process duration for the US Air Force can vary based on many factors, but candidates should be prepared for a thorough process that includes testing, interviews, and background checks.

What are US Air Force's core values?

The US Air Force's core values are integral to its ethos, centering on 'Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do'. These principles guide the behavior of all Air Force personnel.