Australian Defence Force (ADF) Assessments

Prepare for the Australian Defence Force YOU Session aptitude tests with tailor-made practice materials.

What Is The ADF YOU Session Test?

YOU stands for Your Opportunities Unlimited and refers to the part of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) recruitment process that happens after your initial application. There are three parts to a YOU Session:

  • Finishing outstanding paperwork.
  • Taking the aptitude evaluation tests
  • Job interviews with the Careers Coach
  • You may also have medical checks with a nurse during the session.

The ADF YOU session is a preliminary screening tool that allows recruiters to assess candidates cognitive abilities and whether or not they are suitable for the job that they have applied for. It is also a chance for you to find out more about the different job roles to pursue a military career and what is required of you by the ADF.

After attending a YOU Session and submitting your documents, you may be invited to an Assessment Session. It typically consists of a medical assessment, a psychological interview, and an ADF interview. Following your YOU Session, your Case Manager will guide you through the application process consisting of an Assessment Session, Officer Selection, Fitness Assessment, and Enlistment Day.

How Is The ADF Assessment Formatted?

ADF YOU General Ability Test

The general ability test is part of the psychological testing portion of the ADF YOU session. These assessments are used to gauge different cognitive skills and competencies in order to give recruiters a better understanding of which occupation you are best suited for. This means that the General Ability test will have a huge impact on which jobs you are qualified for as some roles require higher scores than others.

ADF YOU Numerical Reasoning Test

The numerical reasoning test helps assess your ability to work with numbers and interpret numerical information. Typically they are of high school level maths, covering concepts such as graphs, ratios, algebra, and probability.

Example numerical reasoning question:


Which country had the largest increase in GDP per capita from 2020 to 2022?

A) UK B) USA C) Japan D) Germany


Simply subtract the 2022 GDP figure from the 2020 GDP figure Germany had the largest increase.

2022 = $44,558 2020 = $40,152

44,558 - 40,152

= $4,406 increase

ADF YOU Verbal Reasoning Test

The verbal reasoning test assess your language and communication skills. You will have to answer questions on word meanings, identify grammar errors, and decipher simple word codes.

ADF YOU Abstract Reasoning Test

The abstract reasoning test evaluate your logic skills and how well you identify patterns and work with non-verbal information. Commonly questions will be structured as a series of shapes/pictures and you will be asked to identify the odd one out or choose the image that would come next in the sequence.

For more examples, the ADF provides an online booklet which gives you practice questions.

ADF YOU Mathematical Ability Test

The mathematical ability test is more in-depth than the numerical reasoning test, and will assess your knowledge and application of more mathematical concepts. These will be topics covered during High School in year 11-12 such as:

  • Circle theorem
  • Triangles
  • Indices
  • Fractions and percentages
  • Factorisation

To learn more about the ADF YOU Session Mathematical Ability Test, take a look at our full guide.

What Happens if You Fail the ADF Aptitude Test?

If you fail to meet the requirement for the occupation that you were hoping for you will be advised by the career coach on other pathways available to you, or you can choose to retake the test in 12 months.

Want to know more about the ADF YOU Session General Ability Test? Click here for our full page.

Top Tips To Pass The Australian Defence Force Tests

1. Identify your weaknesses

If there is a section that you are more apprehensive about then you should spend more time practising those skills to make sure that you score well across the board.

2. Practice in exam conditions

Practice tests can have a huge impact on how well you perform in the day, especially if you have not practised under timed conditions. Set up a quiet space with as few distractions as possible, this will make the real thing less daunting and help you get in the right headspace on the day.

3. Be rested

While it may seem obvious that you need to be in good health for the physical aspects of the job, being well rested for the assessment day and looking after your body can affect your mental capabilities as well.

4. Get organised

The ADF wants to see that candidates are proactive and organised, so make sure that you bring all of the necessary paperwork and are well-informed about what to expect on the day. This will not only give a good impression to the recruiters but will also help you feel less stressed so you can perform at your best.

Sample Australian Defence Force (ADF) Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Based on the commander's review, which aspect is LEAST likely to be considered as a future area of improvement?

After a successful operation, a commander reviews the mission to determine areas of improvement for future engagements. The review includes analysis of communication efficiency, resource allocation, and coordination with allied forces.

  • The morale of the troops
  • Communication protocols
  • Resource management strategies
  • Allied forces collaboration

What is the next logical number in the sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, ...?

  • 24
  • 32
  • 28
  • 40

If a patrol moves 20 km West, then 15 km South, and finally 20 km East, how many kilometers will it be from the starting point?

  • 15 km
  • 20 km
  • 35 km
  • 55 km

Due to a security alert, twice as many patrols were posted during the night compared to the day. If there were 18 patrols during the day, how many patrols were posted at night?

  • 36
  • 18
  • 24
  • 9

What can be inferred about the importance of planning in peacekeeping operations?

In a peacekeeping operation, a platoon is required to deliver supplies to several outposts. The outposts are distributed over varying terrain, and successful delivery relies on timely analysis of routes, threat levels, and communication with local leaders.

  • Planning is only necessary for supply delivery.
  • Planning is less critical than force.
  • Successful operations depend on comprehensive planning.
  • Local terrain is irrelevant to planning.

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Australian Defence Force (ADF) Assessments Tips

Know the Format

Before you dive in, get familiar with the layout of the ADF YOU session. Understanding the structure of the exam will help you manage your time effectively and reduce any surprises on test day. Take some time to explore the practice exams on Military Aptitude Tests to gain this valuable insight.

Hone Your Cognitive Skills

The ADF looks for strong cognitive abilities. Challenge your brain with puzzles, logic games, and problem-solving exercises. The varied and interactive practice tests available on our site will help sharpen those skills specifically for the ADF YOU session.

Think Like the ADF

Successful candidates often align their thinking with the values and objectives of the ADF. While practicing, consider the reasoning behind each question. What qualities might it be testing? Understanding this can help you choose the best answers and also prepare you for a career with the ADF.

Rest and Relax

The right mindset can make a tremendous difference. Go into the exam rested and mentally prepared. The practice tests on Military Aptitude Tests are designed to give you confidence, so on the day of your YOU session, you'll be taking on familiar territory.

Stay Informed

Your YOU session is also an opportunity to learn more about the roles and requirements in the ADF. Make sure to use the resources provided by Military Aptitude Tests to become well-versed in the expectations for ADF applicants, which can also aid in your test performance.

Level up

Choose the package that works for you.


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  • 12 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 65 Employer packages
  • 16 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Australian Defence Force (ADF) Assessments FAQs

How hard is the ADF aptitude test?

The YOU Session is designed to be challenging to test a range of people with differing capabilities, therefore you will most likely find some aspect of the test hard. However, with enough preparation, most people can perform well enough to qualify for the position that they want to apply for.

What is a good ADF aptitude test score?

The ADF does not make its score parameters public, so there is no definitive guide to what is a 'good' or 'bad' score. Whether or not you score highly enough for the particular job you wanted, there are plenty of alternative options that will still lead to a successful career with the ADF.

Can you fail the ADF aptitude test?

You can fail to score high enough to 'unlock' the tier of occupation that you may have been hoping for. Alternative options will be given at the time by your Career Coach or Case Manager, so very few people leave their assessment without being offered any kind of position with the ADF. However, you can also choose to retake the test - in this case, you must wait 12 months between tests and you can only take it 3 times before you are completely disqualified.

How is the ADF YOU Session test scored?

Typically, aptitude tests are scored positively, meaning that for every question you get correct you gain a point, and points are not deducted for incorrect answers. You will also not be scored on how quickly you finish the test, however, they are designed to be challenging to finish within the time limit. Therefore, practising working quickly will help you answer more questions and have a better chance of scoring higher.