3 min read

RAF DAA: Memory Test

Ryan Green
Ryan Green January 04, 2023
RAF DAA: Memory Test

What is the RAF memory recollection test?

The RAF memory or RAF recollection test is, as you can guess, a method of testing how good your ability to remember information is. This is a skill that's valued across a lot of roles within the RAF, so it's important to do as well as you can in this section.

The test will use letters and patterns to examine how good your memory is, and requires you to showcase your skills under tightly timed conditions, which makes it all the more challenging.

The format of the RAF memory recollection test

The memory test is split into two different sections.

In the first section you'll be asked to remember sequences of six to eight letters which you'll be shown one at a time, before answering questions on the order in which they were shown to you.

In the second part of the test you'll be required to look at, and memorise, different patterns. You'll be shown a series of grids, one at a time, with different patterns of squares. Once you've had a chance to memorise them, you'll be asked questions about the grids, and how they'd look if they were added together in order.

How is the RAF memory recollection test scored?

Once you've completed the test you'll be given your overall score. You'll be assigned an RAF recruiter who will go through each section with you and look at the areas you did well in, as well as any areas you struggled with. They'll be able to advise you on the options available to you based on your results.

Unlike many tests, there's not a set pass mark. But the better you do on each section of the test, the more choice you'll have when it comes to deciding what you want to do in the RAF.

How to pass the RAF memory recollection test

Practice — practising past memory tests is the best way you can prepare yourself for this part of the test. It'll help you hone your skills, get used to the speed at which you need to answer each question, and the style of the questions being asked.

Play memory games — this can really help to improve your memory skills, and is a fun way to practice for the test. Get friends or family involved to help test you and see if you can beat them!

Read every instruction carefully — the memory test is challenging and the instructions can be quite convoluted. Which makes it even more important to focus, read every word carefully and ensure you understand what's being asked of you before you begin.

Don't panic — it can be overwhelming if it doesn't feel like the test is going your way, but try not to panic. The calmer you are the more likely you are to remember a key piece of information. If the worst comes to the worst, you can make an educated guess.

Check out our full RAF DAA (formerly known as AST) and CBAT aptitude tests page here that include free tests.

Ryan Green January 04, 2023

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