4 min read

British Army ACT: Number Fluency Test Guide

Heidi Mülla
Heidi Mülla January 04, 2023
British Army ACT Number Fluency

What is the British Army number fluency test?

Although the ACT number test might sound like a maths test, it is actually assessing your ability to read, understand and apply mathematical information in order to answer a question. As a part of the British Army Cognitive Test, it is about your aptitude with numbers.

The number fluency test uses basic GCSE-level maths to assess how well you can recognise numerical data and take information presented in equations to answer questions.

The format of the British Army number fluency test

The questions are presented in two parts. In the first part, you will be presented with two simple equations using basic mathematical operators (add, subtract, multiply, and divide). These need to be answered correctly, and then the answers used to provide the answer.

On the next page, you will be asked to select which equation has the highest answer, whether it was the top (first), the bottom (second), or whether they are both the same.

Candidates must answer and memorise the results of each equation in order to answer the question correctly, once you have clicked through to the next page you won't be able to go back and check.

Speed and accuracy are important here; the test is more about your ability to complete basic tasks under pressure so while the content itself is relatively simple, the difficulty comes from a short time limit and the knowledge that your score is based on how quickly you can get correct answers.

How is the British Army error number fluency test scored?

The number fluency test is scored alongside the rest of the ACT, with points allocated for fast, correct answers. To perform well on the ACT, candidates need to be accurate at speed throughout all the sections.

Your number fluency results (and the wider ACT results) are presented as a General Trainability Index (GTI) which is used to determine which roles would be most suited to your aptitudes and abilities. The minimum score needed is 26, and the higher a candidate scores, the more opportunities for varied career paths become available. A score of 60 is generally needed to get access to all available roles.

It is highly beneficial to score as high as possible on the ACT in order to ensure that you can move forwards with the career path you are most interested in, however, you will have an opportunity to discuss this with your Candidate Support Manager once you have completed all the tests at the assessment centre.

How to pass the British Army number fluency test

Whether you are confident about your basic maths skills or not, the best thing you can do to ensure a good score on the number fluency test is to practice. There is a very useful practice test available from Mindmill, who publish the ACT on behalf of the Army. This is free to take, and will help you not only ensure that you have the necessary skills and abilities to be successful, but will also show you what the test format will be. Being familiar with the way the assessment looks will help you feel more confident in the test itself.

Remember that your entire performance at the assessment centre is used when determining your suitability for different career paths, so be sure that you are prepared as much as possible before you arrive. If you have any questions, you can speak to your Candidate Support Manager who will provide more information, but it is beneficial for you to ensure that you have had enough sleep and eaten well to give you the best chance to perform well.

Check out our full British Army ACT aptitude tests page here that include free tests.

Heidi Mülla January 04, 2023

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